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World Bank and the Government of India, POWERGRID, signed an agreement for power augemntation project in November 2016. (Photo: World Bank)

World Bank Provides $48 Million for Nagaland Health Project

A financing agreement for IDA credit of US$48 million for the ‘Nagaland Health Project’ was signed with the World Bank in New Delhi on Monday.

The Financing Agreement was signed by Mr. Raj Kumar, Joint Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs on behalf of Government of India and Mrs. Genevieve Connors, Acting Country Director, World Bank (India) on behalf of the World Bank.

A Project Agreement was also signed by Dr. L. Watikala, Principal Director, Directorate of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Nagaland and Ms. Genevieve Connors, Acting Country Director, World Bank.

The project envisages to improve health services and increase their utilization by communities in targeted locations in the state of Nagaland. Communities in targeted locations will benefit from project activities at the community and health facility levels while the state as a whole will benefit from improvements in higher-level of system-wide investments, said a statement.

The project will directly benefit about 600,000 people and support and complement existing systems and mechanisms involving communities under the National Health Mission. The project will be completed by 31st March, 2023.

The project has two components — community action for health and nutrition, where it is designed to empower communities to oversee, manage, and improve HNP services and their utilization. An incentive strategy will be used whereby funding will be nutrition-related services and practices.

In turn, communities will use the incentives for activities and investments that are important to them and have potential impacts on health and nutrition. The component will have a major focus on knowledge and skill building of Village Health Committees and other stakeholders at the community level, including women’s groups and Village Councils, said World Bank in a statement.

The second component is the health system development. This component will support improvements in the management and delivery of health services, including both facility-specific and system-wide investments.

In November, World Bank provided the Government of India, $470 million for the six north eastern states of Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura to augment their power transmission and distribution (T&D) networks.

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