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Kanhaiya Kumar Gets Death Threat in DTC Bus for Nagpur Speech?

In less than 24 hours after he said, Nagpur is not Sanghbhoomi alone but of Ambekar’s land too, JNUSU leader Kanhaiya Kumar received an open threat, this time in the form of a pistol with a threatening letter, that was left behind on a DTC bus from ISBT to JNU campus.

Kanhaiya Kumar, the bete noir of RSS, reached the town of RSS headquarters to be received by angry Bajrang Dal and ABVP members who threw slippers, shoes at the Jawaharlal Nehru Students’ Union president, who openly criticised RSS for spreading hatred and communal division in the country.

Later, addressing a public meeting on the occasion of 125th birth anniversary of BR Ambedkar, Kanhaiya Kumar said, he will continue his fight against the move to replace the nation with Narendra Modi, Parliament with the RSS, and the Constitution with Manusmriti. He reminded people that it was RSS’s ideologue Savarkar, not Jinnah, who propounded the two-nation theory that led to the division of the country.

He said, “Nagpur is Deekshaboomi (where Ambedkar and his followers converted to Buddhism), not Sanghbhoomi (RSS headquarters). It belongs to Ambedkar, not Golwalkar; just as Gujarat belongs to Gandhiji, not Modi.”

When ABVP members and Bajrang dal men hurled shoes, slippers and shouted slogans against Kanhaiya, he retorted saying, "What sort of patriotism is displayed by throwing slippers?"

This is Kanhaiya Kumar’s second visit after Hyderabad and that too to Nagpur, RSS headquarters, which is significant since the student leader is among those who raised the voice of people against the conservative nationalist forces in the country.

While the Delhi Police slapped sedition charges against him, several individuals have been threatening him with death notes and the latest is the pistol found in DTC bus with a death threat to the student leader.

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