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Tag Archives: alien life

Are UFO revelations true? Buzz Aldrin clears lie detector test on UFO sighting

Astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Al Worden, Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper have one thing in common, they are among the ardent defenders of UFO theory and claimed to have seen or chased many during their space travels. Now, all the four have cleared a lie-detector test, which reiterates their claim. The lie detector test was carried out using the latest technology ...

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NASA Denies Anonymous Video on Alien Life Discovery Announcement

NASA astronaut Jack Fischer took this photograph of an American flag in one of the windows of the International Space Station's cupola, a dome-shaped module through which operations on the outside of the station can be observed and guided. Throughout NASA's history, spacecraft and launch vehicles have always been decorated with flags.(NASA)

US space agency NASA has denied global hackers group Anonymous claim that it is going make announcement on the discovery of alien life, said a spokesman. Last week, the hacking group Anonymous posted a video on YouTube that said NASA is about to announce the discovery of life in our galaxy but NASA scientist beyond Earth. “Contrary to some reports, ...

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