Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has congratulated the Indian Women’s hockey team on winning Asia Cup 2017. Last time in 2004 India Women’s Team lifted the Asia Cup after beating Japan.
“Congratulations to our hockey team on winning the Women’s Asia Cup 2017. India is delighted by their stellar performance.”,the Prime Minister said.
India beat China 5-4 via shootouts to win the women’s Asia Cup hockey title in Japan on Sunday and also qualified for next year’s World Cup as Continental Champions.
Skipper Rani scored the winning goal for India and Savita made a great save in sudden death to ensure India the 5-4 score in the penalty shootout. Earlier, Navjot Kaur scored India’s lone goal in the 25th minute.
When the first quarter ended in a stalemate, Indiaan forwards kept the pressure on China and Navjot Kaur came close to a field goal in the 17th minute but in vain. Again at the 25th minute, she took a clear shot on goal.
With 1-0 lead, India countered China attack and in the third quarter they dominated the ball testing China’s patience. In the final quarter, China won a penalty corner through a successful video referral in the 47th minute.
When both teams are at par, China won their fourth penalty corner with less than three minutes to go for the end.
In the penalty shootout Rani scored twice, Monica, Lilima Minz and Navjot scored a goal each to ensure India reclaimed the Asia Cup title after 13 years. Savita was chosen Goalkeeper of the Tournament and Monica got the Woman of the Match award.