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Now Googlemap Shows JNU When You Search for ‘Sedition’, ‘Antinational’

jnu sedition google map row

Google Map Makes JNU Symbol for Sedition, Antinational Search Strings Now.

Goole, which has some top brains in its Headquarters from JNU should be ashamed that its search engine etiquette surpasses basic tenets of slander and defame against an institution like Jawaharlal Nehru University for pointing at it for its Google Map search for sedition and antinational key words.

As shown in the image here, when you type the two words, JNU campus gate pops up as the answer and a red marker on JNU campus vividly shows Google’s endorsement of the campus for these search strings. Google Maps was either hacked or someone had intentionally made it to defame the campus, which has been defamed by the government crackdown on its students recently.

Despite Home Minister Rajnath Singh’s remarks in parliament, JNU has been the victim of hatred spread by the government crackdown based on ill-found videos in circulation or aired by ZeeNews recently and now that the case is sub-judice, the BJP-ruled government is awaiting a bigger onslaught on the campus on social media with Google falling in line.

JNU student leader Kanhaiya Kumar and two other JNU students were last month arrested for sedition and freed on bail later but the damage brought upon the unique institution of the country has been dented forever, thanks to Delhi Police which too has sevveral officers from JNU and no political party nor an educational institution has been without a JNU alumni.

The JNU Students’ Union (JNUSU) has asked the administration to file a formal complaint with Google. “We have been protesting against the branding of an institution as anti-national and now the search giant has gone a step ahead in certifying that,” said Shehla Rashid Vora, Vice President of JNUSU.

Last year, similar faux pas by Google angered the BJP when top 10 criminals string popped up Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s name.

Otherwise, JNU is already under duress from the over-vigilant administration which is raiding hostel rooms and even lecture rooms frequently. When students of the Centre of Law and Governance were recently viewing a movie by Anand Patwardhan, “Father, Son and Holy war”, the administration raided the lecture room apprehensive about screening some illegal movie. That is the state of affairs in the top univeristy of the country and the knee-jerk reaction of its benevolent administration.

God Save JNU!

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