arnav sharma
Indian boy Arnav Sharma scored 162 in Mensa IQ test surpassing Einstein and Hawking (Video grab from Independent)

Meet Arnav Sharma, Indian Boy Who Scored Higher Than Einstein, Hawking in IQ Test

An Indian-origin boy aged 11 took the famous Mensa Test for IQ measurement, totally unprepared and unaware of it and the results showed that the child prodigy has scored more than what Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking could have scored.

The maximum score in the test was around 140 and the boy, Arnav Sharma scored 162 in the Mensa Test.

The Mensa club, founded in 1946 in Oxford, has been on a unique mission to “identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity.” It conducts the Mensa test to enrol those who are highly intelligent and far above the average.

Just the top 2% of the United Kingdom are able to join the club and the India child prodigy has had a cake walk when he took the test and proved that he is far above than even the renowned scientists of the world — Einstein and Hawking.

The Mensa Club spokesperson said, “It is a high mark which only a small percentage of people in the country will achieve”.

The Mensa test consists of verbal reasoning ability and Arnav was apparently not sure that he could have done it so well. Arnav has a little brother and it is not known whether he is also a child prodigy.

Arnav, a student of Crossfields School, told The Independent, “I had no preparation at all for the exam but I was not nervous. My family were surprised but they were also very happy when I told them about the result.”

Arnav’s mother was equally upbeat. “He was counting up to more than 100 (when aged two and a half year old). That was when I stopped teaching him because I came to know that there is no end to his numbers,” she said.

When Independent reporter queried whether there was any other wizard in the family, the boy’s mother said her husband was not as clever though he is clever saying: “His dad is quite clever as well but not as clever.”

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