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Dawood Ibrahim UAE Properties Seized, BJP Claims Modi’s Victory

By Pallavi Kumari

Following news reports from Dubai about the United Arab Emirates government seizing the properties of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim worth Rs.15,000 crore, BJP has gone to the street basking on its new accomplishment.

In a tweet, the Bharatiya Janata Party said the credit goes to PM Narendra Modi’s "major diplomatic success". It has also claimed that a dossier provided by the Indian government played the trick to narrow down the properties in UAE which allegedly belong to Dawood Ibrahim.

"Major diplomatic success of PM Modi: One of India’s most wanted criminals, Dawood Ibrahim’s properties worth Rs. 15,000 crore seized in UAE," the BJP tweeted on its official social media site.

The Mumbai don who was the most wanted criminal in India for his alleged Mumbai riots in 1993 in which 257 people were killed, is believed to be entering his 60 years of age and hiding in Pakistan’s Karachi.

Already termed a terrorist by the UN, he is accused by India and the US of financing al Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist groups. Last year, the UN sanctions committee made changes to its entry on Dawood making it easier to impose sanctions such as blocking wealth and accounts, ban on travel and arms on the person.

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