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Cyanogen Shut Down, Google Android Excels

Cyanogen, the original Operating Software and rival of Google Android which was installed in One Plus first series of phones way back in 2013 has finally shut down its services with effect from Dec. 23, 2016.

In a statement, the company said: "As part of the ongoing consolidation of Cyanogen, all services and Cyanogen-supported nightly builds will be discontinued no later than 12/31/16. The open source project and source code will remain available for anyone who wants to build CyanogenMod personally."

The users of original One Plus mobile phones will have no updates to their original Cyanogen OS but those who bought OnePlus 2 and other latest series may not worry as their OS is supported by OxygenOS of One Plus.

The parent company Yanogen said Cyanogen will continue as an open source project that can be built upon by those interested. But the appreciation for the initial concept of the country was forthcoming from all tech circles.

Forbes magazine said, "Cyanogen Wanted To Kill Google’s Android, But Instead Killed Itself." The report said in 2015 Cyanogen CEO Kirt McMaster said:"We’re putting a bullet through Google’s head". Since Cyanogen is an off-shoot of Google Android, which is an open source project itself, its existence was dependant on Google support. In fact, Yanogen went on to make a deal with Google rope in Google that allowed it to refine its services sold to third-parties.

[ tags cyanogen shut, cyanogenmod, one plus operating system, one plus OS, oxygenOS, cyanogen ceo kirk mcmaster, google rival, android rival, cyanogen shut down]

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