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Ayush Ministry to conduct clinical study of Vasa and Guduchi for Covid-19 treatment

In view of the need for accelerated solutions for Covid-19, the Ministry of AYUSH has taken up a clinical study to assess the role of Vasa Ghana, Guduchi Ghana and Vasa-Guduchi Ghana in therapeutic management of symptoms in Covid-19 positive cases.

The trials will be a “randomized, open label three armed” study, and will be conducted at the All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), New Delhi, in collaboration with the IGIB unit of CSIR.

The detailed proposal with methodology including outcome measures, clinical and laboratory parameters, the logistics of the research has been prepared. The study will use a unique Case Report Forum (CRF), suitable for Ayush mode research.

VASA  is an ayurvedic classical medicine. It is a herbal decoction (kashayam) with Vasa and Guduchi as its main ingredients, used to treat liver disorders. It is believed to reduce the aggravation of pitta in the body.

Study Protocol

The CRF and study protocol has also been peer reviewed by experts from different domains including modern medicine and their suggestions have been incorporated. The study will be undertaken subject to the required approvals like that of the Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC).

The project would look into the following specific considerations:

  1. The efficacy/action of mono-herbal formulations of whole extracts of Vasa and Guduchi respectively, and polyherbal formulation of Vasa-Guduchi whole extract on therapeutic management of SARS-CoV2 positive asymptomatic and/ or mild Covid-19 symptomatic cases. The impact of the said formulations on the speed of viral replication.
  2. Whether the said mono-herbal and polyherbal formulations can alter the expression profiles of key bio markers associated with Covid-19 disease.

Vasa and Guduchi are time tested herbs in Indian healthcare traditions, used in a variety of disease conditions. The outcome of this study would therefore be of considerable interest to the entire Ayush Sector.


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