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    Tag Archives: older adults

    Leaving the house every day may help older adults live longer

    In a Journal of the American Geriatrics Society study of community-dwelling individuals aged 70 to 90 years who were participating in the Jerusalem Longitudinal Study, leaving the house daily was linked with a lower risk of dying over an extended follow-up period, independent of social, functional, or medical factors. The study’s investigators noted that getting outside of one’s home provides ...

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    Sedentary behavior increases risk of death for frail, inactive adults

    Sedentary time, for example, time spent sitting, increases the risk of death for middle-aged and older people who are frail and inactive, but does not appear to increase the risk for nonfrail people who are inactive, according to a new study published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). Many studies have looked at the benefits of physical activity on health, ...

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    Vitamin D deficiency linked to increased heart failure risk in older adults

    A recent study found an elevated risk of heart failure in more than half of older individuals, and this risk was significantly associated with vitamin D deficiency. Specifically, vitamin D deficiency was linked with a 12.2-times increased risk of heart failure. The study, which involved an analysis of the medical records of 137 individuals in Brazil aged 60 years and ...

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